NEW! NCA Journals Now Available Electronically in Full-Text!
You can view the entire press release here, but here's the essential info:
All of NCA's journals have been purchased by Routledge/Taylor & Francis, and are now available electronically through MetaPress. To access the journals via MetaPress, click here.
The journals that are available include:
Communication Education (2002-)
Communication Monographs (2001-)
Communication Teacher (no issues online yet--coming soon)
Critical Studies in Media Communication (2001-)
Journal of Applied Communication Research (2001-)
Quarterly Journal of Speech (2003-)
Text & Performance Quarterly (2001-)
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (Available in 2004)
If you're having trouble accessing these journals in MetaPress, feel free to email me. Thanks to Dave D. for pointing out this new access point to me!